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Let Your Youth Group Lead the Way in the Cool Congregations Challenge

The youth of today can feel frustrated and powerless in the face of the impending threat of global warming, and it can be easy for them to blame older generations for "messing it up" for them.  Well, here's something they can do about it: invite them to challenge their congregations to care for Creation!

The Cool Congregations Challenge is a nation-wide contest that challenges congregations and their members to reduce their carbon footprints.  Two participating congregations will win $5,000.  And two Texas congregations will win $500

Here's how it works, with ideas for involving your youth group:

  • Gather information.  Download the checklist so youth leaders can collect data about your congregation.  Invite youth leaders to volunteer to gather specific pieces of information from the list.  They'll get to know adult leaders in the congregation just by gathering information! 
  • Enter the contest before March 1, 2009.  Got all the information?  Bring your laptop to the youth group meeting and enter the contest together as a group!
  • Lower your congregation's carbon footprint.  The calculator will suggest ways to get started, and we have more ideas at our website.  Youth group leaders can schedule presentations with key committees at the church throughout the year, and can host fundraisers to fund the initial cost of some projects.  Then plan an environmental workday at your congregation to make the building more energy-efficient and have some projects that families can do together! 
  • Invite congregants to take the household challenge. Together we can make even more of an impact.  Youth leaders can staff a table after services, collect names and email addresses of interested members, and email them the link to the household carbon calculator.
  • Measure your progress.  Come back to the Cool Congregations website before March 1, 2010 to see how you and your congregation have improved.  At the end of the year, celebrate your success with a carbon-neutral celebratory activity—maybe go on a group hike and collect trash as you walk!

If your youth group leads the way, let us know!  We want to share stories from congregations all around the great state of Texas.  E-mail Amanda at for more information.