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Earth Day Resources and Ideas

treeEvery day should be a day to give thanks for the blessings of creation, rejoice, and work for earth’s preservation and restoration. But in the rush of life, it is all too easy to get sidetracked by tasks, errands, and to-do’s. It helps that we can agree on at least one day each year to remember, rededicate, and renew our connection and commitment to creation.

Earth Day is April 22nd. What are you doing that day?

Worship: Bring Earth Day into congregational life and worship!

  • The National Council of Churches has many downloadable Earth Day resources that you can use in worship and learning.
  • Get this great intercultural and interfaith book of Earth prayers: Earth Prayers from around the World: 365 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations for Honoring the Earth, edited by Elizabeth Roberts, and use the prayers in your religious education classes, committee and small group meetings, and at fellowship events.
  • Host a candlelight vigil and invite leaders from neighboring congregations to join you in thanks, prayer, and service.

Reconnect: Remember your connection to creation.

  • Go for a prayerful walk at sunrise, sundown, or anytime.
  • Lead a class of children, youth, or adults on a walk. Being in nature is one of the ways we can connect with God and each other.
  • With a group, work in a community garden, plant a tree, or clean up a local park or waterway.

Rededicate: Renew your commitment to caring for and restoring creation.