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Interfaith Work on Chemical Policy Reform Highlighted in Blog

Amanda Quraishi, member of the Austin Muslim community and a Texas Impact member, recently highlighted the Texas faith community's work on chemical policy reform in her article, "Eco-Friendly Faith," on  She writes, "As Muslims, we understand that our submission to God is intrinsically tied to the way we treat His gift of life on this planet.  A peaceful, gentle reverence for plants, animals and landscapes are part of the fabric of our religion and translate beautifully through Islam’s strong foundation of social justice and activism.  Therefore, the environmental movement is one area where Muslims can make a huge contribution to society at large, and to productive interfaith dialogue."

Amanda Robinson, Coordinator of Texas Interfaith Power and Light, is quoted in the article as saying, "The world’s great religious traditions all speak of care for the earth and its creatures. In the Abrahamic traditions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – there is a call to guardianship and care of creation. In the Eastern traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, there is a profound sense of the interconnectedness of all life on earth. Although our traditions use different terms, the message on this subject is the same – it is a unified call for humans to care for the environment."  Click here to read the full post, "Eco-Friendly Faith."

Click here to read the full text of the "Interfaith Statement for Chemical Policy Reform."

Click here to endorse the statement.