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Committing to Sustainable Food

For the past month TxIPL has reflected on Living the Change to sustainable food.  We’ve looked at ways to eliminate food waste, learned about food choices that reduce our carbon footprint, and tackled the "elephant" of a plant-based diet in Texas.  Now it’s time to accept the invitation to a sustainable food lifestyle. 

Hospitality starts with an invitation.  Sacred texts are full of stories about travelers who are invited into a family's home and offered food and drink.  Love and compassion are at the heart of these invitations, and so it is with the invitation to eat sustainably.  It’s a love and compassion for God’s creation and for all the people and life that rely on God's creation for sustenance.  Talk about food with your family.  Discuss it with your faith community.  What commitments are you willing to make to extend hospitality to all of God’s creation?

Here are some reflections and stories about people of faith who committed themselves to sustainable food.  May they inspire you to eliminate food waste and make food choices that are hospitable to all life. 


Ten Bible Lessons About Food (Based on Norman Wirzba's book, Food and Faith)  

Christian Food Movement Guide


We Are What We Eat:  A Jewish Approach to Food Sustainability

Sustainable Jewish Eating 


Sustianability:  The Eco-Halal Revolution

This Is What a Muslim Vegetarian Looks Like