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Living the Change - Transportation

Living the Change - Transportation

Week 4:  Committing to Sustainable Transportation - Changing transportation habits is a journey.  Join TxIPL in Committing to Sustainable Transportation for the sake of the climate, the human family, and the community of life.   

Week 3:  Considering Air Travel - As passenger miles increase each year, so too do the carbon emissions from aircraft.  Go to Considering Air Travel for reflections on what it means to reduce air travel.   

Week 2:  Exploring Options - After taking stock of where you drive the most miles, go to Exploring Options to consider transportation alternatives that reduce the miles you drive.

Week 1:  Taking Stock - To reduce the miles we drive in our car, we have to first know when, where, and why we drive.  Go to Taking Stock for tools to help you do this.

Living the Change is a multifaith journey to sustainable use of transportation, energy, and food.  These three areas were selected based on a recent study that shows they have “the potential to contribute to systematic change and substantially reduce annual personal emissions” of greenhouse gases.  TxIPL invites you to take the Living the Change journey, starting with transportation. 

The high-impact, transportation choices needed to combat climate change will minimize the use of cars.  Doing so is particularly difficult in Texas, where urban sprawl has dominated development since the 1950s.  Texans of faith are uniquely qualified to lead this effort.  Religious teachings guide people to seek a greater good that is often counter to the world’s way.  Religious practices strengthen people to make tough choices and do difficult things.  Along the way, faith communities provide encouragement and companionship.  

To start this journey, spend quiet time reflecting on the Walk on Earth Gently invitation to a sustainable lifestyle.  Meditate or pray for Divine guidance in the ways you can transform your use of cars for the sake of the planet, the human family, and the community of life.

Look to this page for weekly updates on the next steps in the journey.     

Through this collective effort, we look forward to creating a global community of conscience and practice in which we learn to put belief into action in relation to our own lifestyles.  - Walk on Earth Gently