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Living In a Warmer World, Week 1: Climate Change As A Chronic Condition

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Part 1: Climate Change As A Chronic Condition

Spiritual Practices as a Guide for Climate Wellness

Practice #1: Being Present

Annie Dillard has written: 'My God, what a world. There is no accounting for one second of it." Get personal with one small piece of the Earth. Sit in the dirt in your backyard. Play in the sand at the beach. Roll in the grass. Stand under a waterfall. Sense the Earth as an animal senses it. Be really present with your planetary host. (excerpted from Spirituality and Practice)

For more practices, visit our Spiritual Practices as a Guide for Climate Wellness page.

Your Health, Our Climate

Tip #1: Meatless Mondays

In association with the Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, Meatless Monday is a non-profit initiative of The Monday Campaigns. Going meatless once a week may reduce your risk of chronic preventable conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. It can also help reduce your carbon footprint and save precious resources like fresh water and fossil fuel. Pledge to go meatless this Monday and join the growing number of individuals, families and institutions pledging to improve their health and the health of our planet.

For great recipes and more information, go to

For more tips, visit our Your Health, Our Climate page.

Engaging Your Community

Step #1: Start Talking

Sometimes the politically charged nature of the climate change conversation in our country scares us into silence. But climate change is real, it’s caused by humans, and it’s happening right now—and we need to talk about it in order to be able to take meaningful action.

So, start talking to your friends and loved ones. Share your fears, and your hopes. Help them find good, scientific information if they are interested in learning more (the Union of Concerned Scientists is a good place to start).

Share our videos on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Remember to speak and act in a spirit of love.

For more steps, visit our Engaging Your Community page.

For links to more videos, practices, tips, and resources, visit our Living In A Warmer World page.