For the past month TxIPL has reflected on Living the Change to sustainable energy. We’ve looked at the source of our electricity, taken stock of how we use it, and reflected on ways to reduce the amount we use. It’s now time to live the change.
Whereas living the change in transportation is like a journey, transforming the use of electricity is like a dance – the Texas Two-Step. The first step is reducing the use of electricity. The second step is working toward 100% of the household’s electricity being from a renewable source. Commit to one action to reduce electricity use and to one task toward a renewable source of electricity. Repeat the steps. Some people are beginners and have never stepped onto this dance floor. Other people know the basic steps and are ready for a more advanced move. The beauty is in everyone dancing. Climate change is the cumulative effect of all our actions, and we all have a part in the response to it. As Texans of faith know, it’s about everyone doing their part in community.
Resources for reducing electricity use are HERE. Listed below are resources for switching to renewable sources of electricity. Some of them discuss solar and wind power from a cost-effective perspective for the home owner. When looking at the options, remember the price of electricity often doesn’t include its full cost. As people of faith, we use our religious teachings and spiritual practices to guide us in considering more than our own pocketbook.
Power to Choose - Homes in deregulated electricity areas can choose their electricity provider. If you’re not sure whether you're in one of these areas, enter your zip code on the Power to Choose website and select “View Results.” If you get a pop-up window with the statement, “No plans found,” then you are not in a deregulated area. If you get options for electricity providers, scroll down to the bottom of the far-left column. Change the Renewable Energy field from “N/A” to “100% Renewable” and then hit the “Refresh Results” button at the bottom of the column to get options.
Texas Solar Energy - Learn the basics about residential solar installations and how they work, along with things to consider when planning, purchasing, and installing a photovoltaic (PV) system to generate electricity from solar energy.
Solar Estimate for Texas - Find information about solar prices, rebates, tax credits, and incentives, as well as information on and reviews of installers in Texas.
Small Wind Handbook - If you live on an acre or more of land, on-site wind power may be an for electricity generation.