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Baptists Sign Letter in Support of "The American Clean Energy and Security Act"

A total of 140 moderate Baptist leaders signed a June 18 letter urging passage of a comprehensive energy bill that includes caps on emissions linked to global warming.  The letter urges strengthening and support for the "American Clean Energy and Security Act" and calls for increased support for the "marginalized and those most at risk" from climate change.  Read the full letter with signatures here.

Robert Parham, executive director of the Baptist Center for Ethics, endorsed the cuirrent legislation in a May 28 editorial on the BCE website "Our faith calls us to care for creation and the poor in the concrete, not in the abstract," Parham wrote. "Protecting the environment protects the marginalized. One realistic step toward protecting both is supporting the House climate bill."

Many signed a similar letter last year.

To read the 2009 letter in full, click here.