The trauma of the Gulf oil spill began with fiery images of an explosion at sea in which eleven people tragically lost their lives. Today the news images focus on oil-covered beaches and birds, frustrated families along the coast who see their way of life disappearing, and computer-generated animation that shows how the oil might spread out into the open waters of the Atlantic.
In the face of this human and environmental catastrophe, people can experience a range of emotional responses—from shock and disbelief to grief, frustration and anger. As people of faith, we turn to our religious traditions and communities seeking wisdom, solace and opportunities to serve.
To those ends, we have compiled some resources from different religious traditions below—resources that include information, reflection and prayer.
We hope that these will be helpful for you and your community of faith. If you have a prayer, resource or link to share, please e-mail Amanda. (Hint: we would love to be able to add a Texas sermons section to this page.)
Denominational Resources
- "Prayers for the Gulf" resource from the National Council of Churches.
- "Gulf Coast Resources for Prayer and Action," from the General Board of Church and Society, United Methodist Church.
- "A Prayer in the Aftermath of the Gulf Oil Spill," from Swords into Plowshares, reflections from the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.
- "Gulf Oil Spill," prayers and resources from Environmental Ministries of the United Church of Christ.
- "Oil Spill Update: One Month Later," from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.
- "Bearing Responsibility," by Mary Minett, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Environmental Education and Advocacy.
Essays and Blogs
- "A Time for Moral Reckoning," by Rev. Jim Wallis.
- "From Eden to the Gulf: Abundance, Greed and Disaster," by Rabbi Arthur Waskow.
- "Beyond Petroleum," by Imam Zaid Shakir.
- "Letter to All World Religious and Spiritual Leaders," by Arvol Looking Horse, Nineteenth Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe.
- "A Lesson from the Gulf Oil Spill: We Are All Connected," by Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.
- "How the Oil Spill Is Hurting America's Soul," by Rev. Carol Howard Merritt.
- "Oil Spill Challenge," by Glenn Rutherford on
- "Texas Faith: What Should Washington Do about Oil Drilling?" Dallas Morning News Religion Blog.
- "Silence, God, and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill," by Rev. Fletcher Harper.