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National Preach-In for Earth Care 2011

globe in handJoin religious leaders around the country this Valentine's Day weekend, February 11-13, in calling for a religious response to global warming.  When you register for the Preach-In, you will gain access to a variety of resources including sample sermons, reflections, and prayers from a number of different religious traditions.

Valentine's Day weekend is a great time to celebrate the gifts of creation with renewed calls of love for all people and for the planet.  Pollution, environmental degradation and global warming disproportionately affect poor and disadvantaged people in our country and around the world.  Our religious traditions offer teachings about stewardship, balance and justice in our relationships with the earth and with other people, and the National Preach-In is an invitation to share some of that wisdom in your communities.

For more information and to register, please click here.  You can also e-mail Amanda with your questions, suggestions, and/or inspirational insights.