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Countdown to Copenhagen

EarthTexas Interfaith Power & Light is gearing up for the Copenhagen Negotiations, which start next month. While world leaders have
declared theat they will not seek a binding legal agreement at Copenhagen, the negotiations are critically important and the outcome - whether it includes an agreement or continues to kick the can down the road - will be felt by future generations.

The faith community has an important role to play, and individuals and communities are taking bold steps around the globe to voice their values and remind politicians of the real consequences that will arise if we fail to act to protect creation. Scientific studies can tell us what the options are, but only our values can tell us the right course of action. At Texas Interfaith Power & Light, we value acting now to reduce carbon emissions and ameliorate the consequences of negative climate change on the most vulnerable among us. We hope you will join us, and tell us about any steps your congregation takes to reduce its carbon footprint, raise public awareness, or urge action by political leaders.

News and Resources:



Action Items:


(Photo "Earth From Space With Stars" by User DonkeyHotey used under a Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial License.)