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Online Community


TXIPL's website is built in Drupal, an open-source collaborative content management system (what does all that mean?!) that lets our members help build the site's content and interact with each other.

There are several ways to be involved:

Sign up to receive email updates.
You will get the latest news from Texas Interfaith Power & Light and our parent organization, Texas Impact, delivered right to your inbox. We usually don't send more than one email a week, although when the Texas Legislature is in session we occassionally send more frequent updates on legislative actions.

Register as a user.
You can sign up for a user account on this website, which will give you access to interactive features, such as the ability to comment on posts and add events to the calendar. It's free and easy! (When you establish a user account, you will also be added to our email update list.)

Become a power user.
If you want to get more involved with the site — with permission to blog and add and edit stories and pages — please contact us.

Why should I contribute content to TXIPL's website? Why can't I just send my stuff to TXIPL staff and let them post it?

1. Even TXIPL's hardworking staff can't post all the information that is important to individuals and communities of faith throughout Texas.

2. The website is a lot more interesting and fun when you post in your own words instead of having every post go through TXIPL's ruthless editing process.

What if I post something that is contrary to TXIPL or Texas Impact's position on an issue?

Your comments represent your own opinion and we won't edit them unless they are overtly offensive. If you sign up to blog, your blog is your own opinion but we might have to talk if your positions on the issues are consistently antithetical to our organizational positions. We reserve the right to edit any and all content posted in the form of stories, pages and other institutional documents.

I signed up for a user account but I can't get my post to show up.

Make sure you are working in Firefox--Drupal doesn't accept content well in Explorer or Safari. Download Firefox for free at the top of this page if you don't have it.

If you are in Firefox and still can't post, email or call us and we'll help you.

I need some training in Drupal before I try to post anything.

We can walk you through the process and give you some training/technical assistance. We are working on setting up some
"webinar" training for people who want more--stay tuned for more information.